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Final Rules Updated: 9/7/2015


716Lacrosse loosely follows the rules of play set out by the National Lacrosse League. The rules have been modified to suit a co-ed recreational level lacrosse between amateur players.


All Rules are subject to change at ANY time and can be reviewed at

716Lacrosse is considered a non-contact league.


All players will be required to read and understand these rules prior to playing in the league. A waiver will also be required.




AGE - All players must be 18 years of age or older.

BENCH – Only registered 716Lacrosse players are allowed to be on the bench. Admins and game photographers are allowed to be present on any bench at any time. A non-league person on the bench (with the exception of photographers or admins) will result in a bench minor penalty.

BALL ADVANCEMENT – There is a 10 second count from time the team takes possession of the ball to get it into the offensive zone. The officials will be counting down using their arm and tracking the 10 second on the field and counting out-loud the last 3 seconds. Count starts at reset of 30-second shot clock. There is no pass count. Officials will count out-loud the last 3 seconds.

DANGEROUS SHOT- A shot taken by a runner to the chest, core, and waist up, will result in a delayed whistle (as soon as either team gains possession). Referee will stop play, check player safety and once determined okay, play will resume with whomever gained possession before the delayed whistle. A headshot taken by goalie or runner will result in an immediate whistle and change of possession. Referee will stop play immediately, check player safety, and once determined okay, play will resume with a change of possession.

EQUIPMENT – Mandatory protective equipment for all players includes – lacrosse or hockey helmet with full-face shield, and lacrosse or hockey gloves. Other equipment is considered optional. All equipment must be secured and buckled/fastened. If any player is found to be using equipment, which is deemed by the administration to be dangerous, the equipment will be taken to the scorekeeper’s area for return following the game. If a team decides to pursue their own jerseys, all jersey's must adhere to designated team name and color designated by 716Lacrosse. All player numbers must be consistent with the final registration numbers. 

FACE-OFFS - Face-offs will be taken NLL style

GAME TIME – Each game will be 45 minutes in length, divided into three 15-minute periods with a 5-minute warm up prior to the start of the game. There is a 2 minute intermission in between periods.

GOALIE SHORTAGE – In the event a team does not have a goalie, the short-handed team will have the ability to play with 6 runners. Any registered 716Lacrosse member can step in to play goalie at the OK of team captains and/or an admin.

LOOSE BALLS – When a ball is loose along the boards, there is no “first to the ball.” All loose balls are to be played by both teams until ball is possessed.

OUT OF BOUNDS - If a ball goes out of play (off the safety netting, out of the playing floor), possession will awarded to the opposing team that did not touch the ball last.

OVER AND BACK – An over and back violation is when the ball crosses the centerline without a defensive deflection. This is in effect during the entirety of the game.

OVERTIME – In the event of a tie, there will be a 5-minute sudden death overtime period. If the score is still tied following the overtime period, the game will be decided through penalty shots (three shooters per team). If the score remains tied after the first 6 shooters, the process will be repeated. No shooter may take an additional shot until all team members have shot. During the shootout, only the selected shooters and goalies may be present on the game floor.

PENALTY SERVE – In the event a major penalty is given at the end of game, the player will serve penalty at the next game present. The team will not play man down.

PENALTY SHOT - In the event a player is interfered with on a breakaway, the shooter will be awarded a penalty shot.

PENALTY SHORTAGE – No team shall be more than two players short on the floor due to penalties.  Any subsequent penalties will result in a penalty shot for each infraction by the non-offending player that was fouled. All players will still serve their penalty time and will be released at the next stoppage of play.

POLES – Short poles only. No Long Defense poles are allowed.

REFEREE’S – Only the captain; OR an assistant captain can approach and talk to the referee’s.

SCORING – If an opposing team has a 7-goal lead, the leading score will freeze until the opposing team scores. There will be no face-offs after a 5-goal differential; Goalies will start with the ball at that point.

SCORING - After a goal is scored, a face off will take place. The scoring player must go to the bench after scoring before the next faceoff will take place.

SHOOT OUT – In the event of a tie (after overtime), the game will be decided through a shoot out (three shooters per team). If the score remains tied after the first 6 shooters, the process will be repeated. No shooter may take an additional shot until all team members have shot. The team captain or assistant captain will communicate to the refs who each of the 3 shooters are. The home team will be able to elect to shoot first or second. The visiting team will then decide on the end they want to defend. During the shootout, only the selected shooters may be present on the game floor.

SHOT CLOCK – Will be used to control the flow of the game. Shot clock will be set to 30 seconds and will be reset when a shot is taken on net. A “shot on” is anything that hits the goalie or goal pipes. A “shot off” is any shot that goes wide of the net or blocked by a defender.

SLASHING – Any one-handed slash will result in a penalty whether there is contact with the other player.

STANDINGS – Team playoff standings will be decided by the game win percentage during regular season.  Each win will receive 2 points, an overtime/shoot-out loss will receive 1 point.  In the event of a total game point tie at the end of regular season, the standings will be decided by goal differential.

  • 6 team seasons – Top 4 ranked teams advance to playoffs based on win percentage.

  • 5 team seasons – Top 3 ranked teams advance to playoffs based on win percentage.

  • 4 team seasons – All 4 teams advance to the playoffs

TIME OUTS - Each team will be allowed one-30 second time-out per game. Clock does not stop, unless it is within the last 2 minutes of the 3rd period. Clock will also stop for player safety checks or to fix goalie equipment.

WARDING – Any player caught warding; straightening the non-stick arm and pushing the defended away will result in a change of possession.

Permissible Contact Includes:

Stick to stick checking only.

Incidental contact arising from stationary offensive picks, blocks, or screens.

  • Contact Not Allowed includes:

    • No one handed checks are allowed. However one-handed lifts are permissible. One handed swings without contact will be given a 1 minute penalty. One-handed checks with contact will be given a 2 minute penalty. 

    • All other contact will be penalized appropriately, either by a possession, or penalty.

    • Accidental, non-malicious and non-reckless stick to body contact, including slashing, crosschecking, etc.

    • Defender is allowed to defend with their gloves together without extending arms on player or players’ stick. Once arms are extended and pushing off, it will result in a two-minute penalty.





Player Eligibility:

Player eligibility is based on a player’s registration status.  Only registered players of the current 716Lacrosse season and have proper waivers signed may partake in games. 

Player Shortage: If a team does not have enough players to field a team or have subs, the captain can go to the captain of the other team and an admin for approval of subs (girls must be replaced with girls first) but not to exceed the other team’s bench. A bench minimum of 7 players is required. 


Goalie Eligibility:

Each team will have one goalie, designated specifically during player registration. Any registered member of 716Lacrosse can fill-in for goalie with appropriate equipment.


Goalie Fill-In:

If, for whatever reason, a team goalie is unavailable for a game, that team may request another league goalie to fill in, at the approval of league administrators and the captain of the opposing team, or someone from that team can dress as goalie with the proper equipment. If the request is denied, or another goalie is not available, that team will be allowed to play with 6 players on the field. (See “Rules of Play: Goalie Shortage”). 

Change of Possession:

  • Excessive Boarding

  • Loose Balls Pushes

  • Offensive Interference and Moving Picks

  • Over and Back

  • Out of bounds by the opposing team

  • Start of a power play by the non-offending team

  • Illegal Picks including anything that doesn’t have teammates feet set.

  • ‘Swim/Chicken Wing’ move

  • Player with possession of the ball lowering their shoulder and driving into a defensive player

  • A shot to the head 

  • Warding



Technical infractions for 1 minute.

Minor infractions for 2 minutes.

Major infractions for 5 minutes.

Game expulsions. (See below.)


Technical Infractions = 1 Minute

  • Accidental, non-malicious and non-reckless contact other than to a player’s stick or hands.

  • One-handed slash that doesn’t connect to the other player.

  • If players equipment is not properly fastened or fitted, player is subject to a penalty. 

  • Delay of game 

  • Stick to stick contact with a goalie clearing the ball inside the crease

  • Contact with goalies inside the crease

  • Shooting from behind the court line

  • Crease diving

  • One- handed swing and miss


Minor Infractions = 2 minutes

  • A shooter making contact with their stick or the ball to a defender not trying to block the shot

  • Too many players on the field

  • Checking from behind, including but not limited to, wrap checks and over the top checks. Checks to the stick from behind will only be allowed if the ball carrier carelessly leaves his/her stick (head or butt) exposed.

  • Any checking to a player’s body other than his/her hands/stick; including one-handed checks that connect.

  • While defending by either not having hands together or if arms are extending.

  • Dangerous shot where a defenseless defender, who has his/her back or side to the shooter, is struck by the ball or follow-through off a shot

  • Accidental contact to a player’s head/helmet, including a brush/graze.

  • Tripping

  • Boarding – Knocking down the opposing player into the board’s head first from behind while going for a ground.

  • Bench Minor- Including but not limited to chirping, talking back to refs, too many players on the field, having a non-league person on the bench. First offense is a warning, second offense is a 2-minute penalty served by Captain or Asst.


Assessing Minor and Technical Penalties:

If a player is assessed with a minor/technical penalty, that player shall be sent to the penalty box for 1 or 2 minutes as measured on the game clock. Play will continue with 4-on-5 play for the duration of the penalty in favor of the non-offending team. The penalized player will be released if opposing team scores 1 goal.

If a second minor/technical penalty is assessed on the offending team during the time of the first minor penalty, that player shall be sent to the penalty box for 1 or 2 minutes, as measured on the game clock. Play will continue with 3-on-5 play for the duration of the penalty in favor of the non-offending team. The penalized player will be released if opposing team scores 1 goal.


If a third minor/technical penalty is assessed on the offending team during the time of the first two penalties, the player that was fouled shall be awarded a penalty shot. Play will continue with 3-on-5 play for the duration of the previous penalties in favor of the non-offending team.

*No team shall be more than two players short on the floor due to penalties.  Any subsequent penalties will result in a penalty shot for each infraction by the non-offending player that was fouled.


Major Infractions = 5mins

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct – verbal or physical

  • Any purposeful, malicious and reckless contact to another player

  • Any deliberate contact to the head/helmet, including a swing to a player’s head.

  • Slashing

  • Cross-checking

  • Spearing

  • Butt-ending/Ice Picking

  • High-sticking

  • Intentional Tripping

  • Throwing equipment at a player, referee, or out of bounds


Assessing Major Penalties:

In the event of a major penalty, the offending player will be sent to the penalty box for the duration of 5 minutes as measured by the game clock. The penalized team will continue 4-on-5 play for the duration of the major penalty. The player in the penalty box will be released if opposing team scores 3 goals.

If a second major penalty is assessed on the offending team during the first penalty, the offending player will be sent to the penalty box for the duration of 5 minutes as measured by the game clock. Play will continue 3-on-5, with a 3 goal release per penalty.


If a third major penalty is assessed on the offending team during the time of the first two penalties, the player fouled shall be awarded a penalty shot. Play will continue with 3-on-5 play for the duration of the previous major penalties in favor of the non-offending team. The penalized player will not be released.

If any one player has three major penalties within one game, he/she will be suspended the rest of current game plus the next subsequent game.


Game Expulsion - 5 minute penalty served by captain, plus player suspended rest of current game + 2 subsequent games

  • Fighting

  • Intent to fight

  • Deliberate attempt to injure

  • Verbal threat on or off the floor

  • Intentional or malicious body contact, including but not limited to:

    • Boarding

    • Elbowing

    • Head-Butting

    • Kicking

    • Kneeing

    • Roughing

    • Any disrespectful physical contact towards another player or referee


If a second above infraction occurs, players will be suspended for the remainder of the season and potential to be banned from the league; determined by the admins.



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